Thursday, November 11, 2010

Draft (2.2) Beyond Vietnam With Dr. King

“We were taking the black young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in Southwest Georgia and East Harlem“(3). As presented in “Beyond Vietnam”, Dr. King argues that stereotyping and racist ideologies of life in America is very coincidental to life in Vietnam. It is fairly coincidental because Americans and all types of citizens that live in the U.S. do feel or have a sense of belief to think the ideology of war is corrupt, but we as individuals still maintain to allow racial warfare on the grounds that we call our holy land cease to exist. We live the stereotype and hype of being segregated in Dr. King's era but let alone we contradict ourselves as human beings in society and send our children of all races and all different shades of black and white overseas to fight a battle that is similar to the trials and tribulations that they face each and every day on their homeland. Could it be possible that the mere coincidence that is in effect Dr. King sees a bigger picture to it? Of Course he does! Who am I to say that coincidences just as of this doesn’t happen everyday. It may be a lot more relevant in today’s time than it was during the time King gave this speech in 1967 but who is to say that Americans are better to judge one race such as the Vietnamese when we judge our own fellow soldiers in war off and on the battlefield; just because the color of their skin is different from our own or they hold different beliefs and come from a different culture that is different from what we are used to.
When you think about it, it all remains the same no matter how you look at it or how you try to interpret it. We can fight in a war outside of the United States but we can’t seem to come to a means of coming together as one and halting the injustice that lies on the grounds of our home. Where is the justice in that? Where is the hope in that? Are we against fighting a war that harms and kills the innocent or are we for that adrenaline rush and the thrill of killing those that have not done or shown harm to us? What makes more sense to the eyes of the beholders or the higher authority in office that makes that decision in allowing us to engage in a war? Is this really what America is about? Abusing the power we strived for to hurt those less than ourselves. Is it that hard for us to believe in Dr. King's ideology of non-violence or is mankind just equip to be violent. I find it funny how humans in general contradict themselves and over analyze situations that we as a community are not held accountable for as a whole but as a society. We are quick to judge our own race and label them as such; but were just as quick to dish out advice or judge another race for engaging in the same cruel activities that we as a nation try to justify and make excuses for. Some people would say racism in America is a way of life. That it's based and fed upon the emotions and ideologies that certain races hold themselves accountable for. I say racism in America is unjust and simply uncalled for. It goes beyond just the United States as a nation but touches down to countries and nations all over the world. It allows us to not be able to progress and grow from within, but continues to allow us to slowly revert and move backwards instead of moving forward as people that share one common interest "Equality".

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Draft (2.1) Beyond Vietnam With Dr. King

“We were taking the black young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in Southwest Georgia and East Harlem“(3). As presented in “Beyond Vietnam”, Dr. King argues that stereotyping and racist ideologies of life in America is very coincidental to life in Vietnam. It is fairly coincidental because Americans and all types of citizens that live in the U.S. do feel or have a sense of belief to think the ideology of war is corrupt; but we as individuals still maintain to allow racial warfare on the grounds that we call our holy land cease to exist. We live the stereotype and hype of being segregated in Dr. King's era but let alone we contradict ourselves as human beings in society and send our children of all races and all different shades of black and white overseas to fight a battle that is similar to the trials and tribulations that they face each and every day on their homeland. Could it be possible that the mere coincidence that is in effect Dr. King sees a bigger picture to it? Of Course he does! Who am I to say that coincidences just as of this doesn’t happen everyday. It may be a lot more relevant in today’s time than it was during the time King gave this speech in 1967 but who is to say that Americans are better to judge one race such as the Vietnamese when we judge our own fellow soldiers in war off and on the battlefield, just because the color of their skin is different from our own or they hold different beliefs and come from a different culture that is different from what we are used to.
When you think about it, it all remains the same no matter how you look at it or how you try to interpret it. We can fight in a war outside of the United States but we can’t seem to come to a means of coming together as one and halting the injustice that lays on the grounds of our home. Where is the justice in that? Where is the hope in that? Are we against fighting a war that harms and kills the innocent Or are we for that adrenaline rush and the thrill of killing those that have not done or shown harm to us? What makes more sense to the eyes of the beholders or the higher authority in office that makes that decision in allowing us to engage in a war. Is this really what America is about? Abusing the power we strived for to hurt those less than ourselves. Is it that hard for us to believe in Dr. King's ideology of non-violence or is mankind just equip to be violent......

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Draft into Essay#2 (2.0)

   We were taking the black young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in southeast Asia which they had not found in southwest Georgia and east Harlem (3). Stereotyping and racist ideologies of life in America is very coincidental to life in Vietnam. We live the stereotype and hype of being segregated in Dr.King's era but let alone we contradict ourselves as human beings in society and send our children of all races and all different shades of black and white overseas to fight a battle that is similar to the trials and tripulations that they face each and every day on their homeland.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

In Class Work 10/28: An Article and My Opinion.

In Today's Class discussion We focused on articles that led up to events that were important to our research topic. There was one New York Times article that in fact stuck out to me and answered some inquiring questions that I intentionally had set out to figure out through the process of my research. The Article was entitled "The Race for Space II- Country's reverses traced primarily to Organization and Primary Efforts" by Hanson W. Baldwin. I was not in fact so much intrigued by how the Times covered the article but was more intrigued by the responses and further commentary made by some U.S officials on their views regarding their role in the Space Race.
There was one comment made by Dr T. Keith Glennan that responded toward the criticism the U.S. faced regarding their role in The Space Race due to the success of the USSR reaching the moon. An admission on the U.S part that further damaged their  reputation which states:  "The reasons for our reverses in the space race lie primarily in the field of organization and planning not in inadequate technology." Which leads me to believe that the U.S. feared that because the were so great of a nation and had all the necessary resources and funds they would be looked at as a weaker opponent and their reputation would be caught at a standstill. His comment not only lacked facts as of why and what took them so long to beat the USSR but then to only blame the reason and only reason they were unfortunate in making an grand victory was due to a lack of organization and adequate planning by NASA officials and the U.S. Government. This news article was very much informative and was directly on point as to stating what could have been the distraction or what was the governments reason as to why they lulled behind Soviet Russia to space. I would like to say that this article didn't indeed sway the opinion I had originally about the U.S role in the space race but indeed opened my eyes to the key partners that were involved in the space race and how they looked at it outside of just the United States; How not only Russia looked at it but how they interpreted their accomplishment and how the U.S dealt with the backlash from critics and peers.

The Race for Space-- II Article

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Understanding Power II The Ideologies that lie within Soviet Russia, U.S and the Space race

In Today's class discussion In LIB 100 we discussed briefly on how to understand powers that lie within our country using various forms of Isms (Ideas). Such Ideologies that I come face to face with my topic is the ideology of both Communism and Capitalism.
In the following document which I will use as a secondary source for my research actually focuses upon the two opposing Ideologies and how they both represent both countries and the beliefs they hold in the competition and rivalry that is the space race.

Ideologies and Description of Space Race

Updated bibliography ( USSR & US on the Space Race)

Wingo, W. (1963) "The Scramble into Space"
The Science News- Letter, Vol. 84, No. 22, pp. 341- 343

(1962) "Space, Past, Present & Future"
The Science News- Letter, Vol. 82, No. 24, pp. 381- 383

Eberhart, J. (1965) "Space Race Pace Quickens"
The Science News- Letter, Vol. 87, No. 25, pp. 387+ 397- 398

Brzezinski, M. (2007)  "Red Moon Rising: Sputnik and The Hidden Rivalries that ignited the Space Age"
Henry Holt and Company

Schefter, J. (1999) "The Race: The Uncensored Story Of How America beat Russia to The Moon."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Brainstorming Revelation: Revising the topic Of My Choice

After discussing some provisional aspects that I can dwell into, I have transfered my key focus to focusing on what was known as "The Space Race" that took place between the Soviet Union and U.S. During The Cold War Era. From 1957 to 1975 the Space Race was a technological competition between both countries to explore into supremacy over conquering Space. It's intentions in the beginning we're set as an missile-based  arms race that was to occur just after the end of World War II; a revolution of technological rivalry turned into a opportunity to show off each countries advancement of not only technology but of their wits and smarts of how to out do each other and gain notice from their actions.There are in fact some noted Key players from both power countries that had a role in the pioneer movement of dominating space. Soviet Union players we're Sergey Korolyov, Vladimir Chelomey, Vasily Mishin just to name a few, The United States on the other hand has President Kennedy, James E. Webb, Robert R. Gilruth, Wernher Von Braun etc.
Based on what I've found so far, I for one can actually say I am pleased that I actually have a main topic that interests me as well as "the Space race". I look forward to answering some questions that I already have in mind about the Soviet Union and the U.S. during the time of this act. For example, How did the space race affect both countries financially? Did it put a dent into the wallets of both countries economical future or did it not affect them at all? Did it help their technological advances grow as a nation or was it a waste of time? Why?

My Version of the Bibliography (Draft1 ) without annotations

Works Cited

Kharabi. J, (2010). The View from Moscow.
 Journal of International Affairs, 0022197X, Vol. 63, Issue 2

This interview gives a detailed look at the history of Russia and it's leaders with their thoughts on the relations between the two power countries.

McCauley. M, (2003). Russia's Bitter Path to Modernity: A History of the Soviet and Post-Soviet Eras/A Century of Russian Violence in Soviet Russia .
History Today,  Vol. 53 Issue 9, p56, 2p

Nunn. S, Stulberg. A, (2000). The Many Faces of Russia.
Foreign Affairs, Vol. 79, No. 2, pp. 45-62

Rywkin. M, (2008). Russia's place in the world
American foreign policy Interests, Vol. 30 Issue 5, p 310-314, 5p

Is Russia a friend or an enemy of the United States? Can it be both at the same time? This set of policy recommendations to the new president provides telling answers to those questions. This Article focuses upon that question and many more theories of both nations that we're either left unanswered or avoided.

Mankoff. J, (2008). Russian Foreign Policy and The United States after Putin.
Problems of Post-Communism,  Vol. 55 Issue 4, p 42-51, 10p, 1

The title of the article sums up majority of what it's focus is based on. The Federal Russian Government outlook on Foreign Policy after Medvedev rule and President Putin's takeover. Also discusses ideological preferences or conflicts associated with the Russian elites

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Progress So far...

I have chosen Russia as my focus for my research essay. On my last post I brainstormed some possibilities as to where I wanted to shift my focal point in learning about not only the history of Russia but also it's economical state compared to that of the united states. I already have some questions I plan on using to build my purpose for the essay..Some questions I would like to focus on is: What was their (U.S.) partake of this event? (i.e. the cold war era)  Was their presence necessary? (i.e. what was their motive of getting involved with the war)  How did Government officials go about handling this manner; was it a right move or did it further put to say the nail in the coffin of both countries relationships?... (i.e. how did Russia's federal government and United states government come to a means of ending the war after a long period of time. What was their goal. did their solutions affect their future relationship positively or negatively).
During this lengthy period I have found some reliable sources on ebsco and Jstor. One article in particular that gives a detailed look into both the United states relationship with Russia and their thoughts so far on the progress made so far by both countries entitled "The view from Moscow."

My Research on Russia & It's History.

After careful consideration I have chosen Russia to be my main focus in this research essay.

I am fairly interested in this country because I would like to gain more knowledge about United States connections toward the Russian government, also to gain more knowledge Of the Russian Government as a whole. Some questions I would like to have answered through my research would be: Are there good ally ties that lie within both countries and if so are they helping one another or hurting one another, also in the last decade have the intentions directed by both countries hurt their power status in the world or has it helped them both or separately. It is known that United States issues with Russia date back to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. What I noticed about my wikipedia entry was that it was  highly detailed and gives clues to what is to be featured located in the sub contents, here it focuses upon The history of Russia, It's role in the world. It's Technology, Culture, Government, politics and economy. We focus mainly upon Russia's rule under Stalin and It's capital Moscow and the history that lies there. I hope to focus and come to a means of figuring out United states Sole purpose within the Soviet Union. What was their partake of this event? Was their presence necessary? How did Government officials go about handling this manner was it a right move or did it further put to say the nail in the coffin of both countries relationships?...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hearts & Minds: The Sad Truth Of America & What We We're meant not to see.

Peter Davis documentary film "Hearts and Minds" gives us a deep look into the Vietnam war and how it negatively affected both The United States but also The Civilians of Vietnam. As we saw from the film Davis included various clips of football scenes, news footage and scenes from old movies that played a part in telling the story of the Vietnam war; we saw scenes of news footage that broadcast possibly live footage of what was going on overseas. It displayed pure Hell. Dead bodies lying in the street, One civilian handcuffed behind his back shot point- blank in the head by an American soldier,all for the eyes of American civilians at home to witness. Shots of football games showed an happier time in America's history. The sport that supposedly not only brings people together as one but in doing so unifies them and the passion of choosing sides and rooting for either the away team or the home team of winning the game. In which I guess you can say is what Davis wanted to achieve in doing so comparing America's past-time i.e football and comparing it to the likes of a war.Displaying the emotions not only the coaches (or dictators and state officials in the wars case) feel on the field but off the field as well. The idea of winning is the only goal. Doesn't matter how much blood is being shed or how many team players get taken out the game as long as we win, we matter to everyone...if we lose you only have yourself to blame. Which ideally makes you realize that the only ideology America has to pass on for it's future is that Winning matters, if you lose your lost. Bullying the little people doesn't hurt our only strengthens us and feeds our passion of doing more damage to others that we already haven't brainwashed and kept for the taking.
Learning about ideologies in Prof. Johnson's class watching the film I for one got the sense that certain ideologies such as the idea of winning and the statements made by our past presidents led to U.S involvement with the Vietnam war. The idea of being lied to and betrayed in a certain sense by leaders that you chose to lead your country down the straight path of exceeding great fortune and building us for a better future you wouldn't think they would do anything to not only put at harm the Americans that give their life to serve the country but of the families that in the end wind up paying the ultimate price for freedom. Now we all have noticed that in recent wars the country has faced their has been little to no exposure of images that showcase our wars being fought, When comparing the times of now to then back in the 70s when this film was made, I don't honestly think they serve a purpose to the fact I found what was being shown to the American public was purely disgusting and barbaric but i will beg to differ and say that the footage possibly gave families an insight to what was going on and actually made them think as to "Is this what we're over there for?" while we are all suffering with unemployment rates going up and we're all trying to make ends meet with no jobs or no type of income coming in..We're sending our tax dollars overseas fighting a war just to kill harmless civilians. It's pretty sick when you think about it and it's sad just watching it. After watching this documentary my mindset about America and what we stand for has totally changed for the better. I now know to definitely keep my eyes and ears open to everything around me..For we are not safe and have no one to trust & protect us at the end of the day but ourselves.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Choose Exile

As quoted by Richard Wright "It was only in America where so much freedom is lacking that one hears long and impassioned arguments about freedom . .. It is like listening to a starving man tell of his need for food." Upon reading and repeating these words over and over in my head I am baffled by the decision of do I agree with his statement or do I disagree. For one I will agree to disagree so to say. I can say the words he chose we're indeed wise for they apply to the times of both past and present day today, everyone quenches for the thirst of being free or the thought of living in a ideal free world. Where we are not upheld by the restrictions of man or the restrictions society holds us by, but are all treated equally and given a fair chance to live life and experience the same golden opportunities without judgement or exclusion by race, sex or religion. I can say that us as Americans do lack the freedom that our Amendments promise us...the freedom of speech or the right to bear arms for example. In my opinion Freedom or the idea of being "free" is the solid barrier that allows us to come as we are and change ourselves for the better not because we have to just to live up to society's standards and other's expectations but because it's our god-given choice and our decision to do so. Are there other individuals of all parts of the world who have an idea or opinion of what freedom can either mean or be? Yes. We all are different, we each have an opinion some different from others. There are some experiences in life that hits close to home for some people that makes them eager to want to know how and what life is like in the eyes of the next person or how life is lived across the globe in this place. Do I think the United States is the only country that lacks freedom? No. Are there others out there? Yes. The only difference between us and the rest of the world is that here in America; we promote Freedom like an ad in the newspaper. If you come here all the options and opportunities in the world are open and available to your demand whenever you want and however you want it, when in reality it is far from the truth. It's like the old saying goes "All that glitters, isn't golden." and in America's case everything you see and hear about here isn't as glamorous as it appears. We work, we Struggle, and we have our hard times. Nothing is served on a silver platter nor is anything as easy as it seems.